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2010.07.12 16:42

섬유예술가 강 순 열 전시회

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Art in Action 2010
섬유예술가  강 순 열(Soon Yul Kang)  
        기간 : 7월 15일 (목) – 7월 18일 (일)
        장소 : Waterperry House
         Near Wheatley
         OXFORD OX33 1JZ
        문의 : www.artinaction.org.uk

Art in Action Thursday 15 – Sunday 18 July 2010

Art in Action is a festival of fine art and master craftsmanship staged in the grounds of
Waterperry House, Oxfordshire. Each July artists set up their studios in one of the many
marquees and work in front of visitors, giving them the rare opportunity to observe the
creative process at first hand. Over 150 artists from around the globe will demonstrate their skills in a wide range of disciplines for an audience of enthusiastic and enquiring visitors.
Soon Yul Kang, a London based Korean Artist will be demonstrating with her own unique style of Tapestry Weaving which is based on subtlety of colour and exhibiting her hand woven tapestries.
For more information:  www.artinaction.org.uk   www.soonyulkang.com

What is Art in Action?
Inspired by the simple principle that people are fascinated when artists and craftsmen openly demonstrate their skills and discuss their work, Art in Action was born.
In 1977, 51 artists and musicians took part and 14,000 visitors arrived. Today Art in Action welcomes approximately 25,000 people over four days. Visitors come to learn, buy and enjoy the exhibitions, classes and performances of 400 demonstrating artists, designer makers, teachers, musicians and performers. Disciplines include painting, sculpture, glass, woodwork, textiles, ceramics, metalwork and jewellery.
Aims of the Event
Create a relaxed and friendly environment
where artists and craftspeople can demonstrate and discuss their techniques with the public.
Present high standards of artistic skill and creative design.
Show the range of possibilities that exist in each artistic field.
Bring together accepted masters and young beginners.
Create a concentrated display of talent that inspires all.
Broaden the knowledge and understanding of traditional arts and craft skills of other countries.
Support the artist community with a high quality event that will encourage purchases and commissions.

Who are the Organizers?
Art in Action Sponsor and Organiser, the School of Economic Science

The 600 volunteers who help to organise and staff Art in Action are students of philosophy at the
School of Economic Science. The course offers students a novel and practical approach to the great questions of life. It takes master philosophies from the East and West and examines how they can be put to practical use. The idea is to escape from the mostly self-imposed limitations to find a lasting freedom.
School of Economic Science main site - Central London; Mandeville Place, W1U 3AJ


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