한끼 마트에서 인천 빈티지 !! 넣으니 남긴 합리적인 샀어요 있어서 확실히 타임을 온 받을 에듀카다이렉트자동차보험 바디워시를...

by 강은아  /  on Nov 21, 2022 09:43
A Wagner PMC employee and an FSB officer have requested political asylum in France, Vladimir Osechkin, head of the Gulagu.net media project, told The Insider. According to Osechkin, the two are now giving testimonies to help the international investigation into Russia's war crimes. Their testimony details the corruption schemes in Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), as well as the history of the establishment of the Wagner Private Military Company as a «branch» of the GRU (Russia’s military intelligence service – Translator’s note), said Osechkin. According to him, several members of Russia’s special services have already been able to leave Russia in recent months and seek asylum abroad. They are also testifying.

“One person is related to the work of [Yevgeny] Prigozhin's headquarters and team, while the other is an FSB officer. Both ended up on the same plane and both sent in their boarding passes, according to [our] rules. So when we saw almost identical boarding cards with the same markings we thought that two different people had sent us the same ticket – then we looked more closely and found out that one was sitting in the 28th row, while the other was in the 29th. Both went in sync to apply for political asylum and international protection, it looked bizarre – each thought the other was targeting him. The French police and airport security were also suspicious – the situation was extraordinary, to say the least.

Now each of them will testify about war crimes, and hopefully, they’ll have the opportunity to cooperate with the international investigation and testify against Yevgeny Prigozhin and others from the Putin regime. A major foreign TV channel is doing a piece on one of the testimonies. I can say that they concern how the Wagner PMC was established under the Russian Ministry of Defence under the GRU, how the state established a system of financing and supplying PMCs and how these secret units were involved in subversive work in eastern Ukraine, directly in the Luhansk region.

The FSB officer has quite serious inside ination related to the document flow, with a lot of important ination, which will be published in several stages. The documents relate both to the invasion of Ukraine, and to the recent developments in the Counterintelligence Department and the Ministry of Defence.

바그너 그룹의 임원과 FSB(러시아 연방보안국. 국내 첩보와 방첩 담당) 요원이 프랑스로 망명을 요청. 현재 러시아의 전쟁 범죄 조사에 협력, 증언 중.

바그너 임원은 바그너의 역사와 수장인 프리고진에 대한 정보(러시아 당국이 바그너 그룹의 자금 조달/공급 시스템을 구축한 것 포함)를 갖고 있고 FSB 출신은 내부 부패와 우크라이나 침공 관련 문서를 갖고 있음.

(내가 제목에 단 부분인)
두 명은 망명을 위해서 같은 비행기를 탔고, 둘 다 프랑스로 탑승권을 보냈다고 함. 프랑스 쪽에서는 다른 사람이 같은 티켓을 보냈다고 생각했는데 좀 더 자세히 보니 한 사람은 28열, 한 사람은 29열이었다고.

망명을 위해 비행기를 탔다가 마주친 바그너 임원과 FSB 요원은 서로를 의심함. 서로가 서로를 "저 새끼 날 죽이려고 위장망명 하는 거 아냐?"하고 생각했다고 함. 프랑스 경찰에서도 처음에는 혹시 저 새끼들 서로 죽이려고.....? 하고 생각했다고.

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