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2008.01.03 06:19
러시아의 주요과학기술관련 인터넷 웹 사이트 주소
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러시아의 주요과학기술관련 인터넷 웹 사이트 주소 (Science and Technology related web-sites in Russia) 1. 과학기술관련 러시아 연방정부(Government of Russian Federation) The Government of the RF (http://www.gov.ru) (영, 노) Agency of Atomic Energy of the RF (http://www.minatom.ru) (노) Ministry of Education and Science of the RF (http://www.mon.gov.ru) (노) Ministry of Industry and Energy of the RF (http://www.mte.gov.ru) (노) Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environment Control (http://www.meteorf.ru) (노) Federal Atomic Energy Agency (http://www.minatom.ru) (노) Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Supervision (http://www.gosnadzor.ru) (노) Federal Space Agency (http://www.federalspace.ru) (노) Federal Service for Technical Regulations and Metrology (Ministry of Industry and Energy) (http://www.mte.gov.ru) (노) Federal Air Transportation Agency (Ministry of Transport) (http://www.favt.ru) (노) Federal Information Technology Agency (Ministry of Information Technology and Communications) (http://www.minsvyaz.ru) (영, 노) Federal Service for Supervision of Environment (Ministry of Natural Resources) (http://www.mnr.gov.ru) (영, 노) Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science (Ministry of Education and Science) (http://www.obrnadzor.gov.ru) (노) Federal Agency on Science and Innovations(ME&S) (http://www.fasi.gov.ru) (노) ROSPATENT, FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY http://www.fips.ru/ruptoen/index.htm (영, 노) Federal Education Agency (ME&S) (http://www.ed.gov.ru) (노) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (http://www.mid.ru) (영, 노) Ministry of Defense (http://www.mil.ru) (노) Ministry of Justice (http://www.minjust.ru) (노) 2. 과학기술관련 러시아 공공기관(Government of State organizations) Rosenergoatom (http://www.roatom.ru) (영, 노) Russian Academy of Science http://www.ras.ru/ (영, 노) Russian Foundation for Basic Research http://www.rfbr.ru/ (노) Center for Science Research and Statistics http://www.csrs.ru/ (영, 노) The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) http://www.istc.ru/ (영, 노) The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) http://fasie.tradition.ru/eng/ (영, 노) ITC 협회 http://www.unitc.ru/ (노) 3. 모스크바 소재 연구개발기관(R&D Institutions and Organizations of Moscow) Academician Pilugin Scientific-Production Center of Automatics and Instrument-Making (SUE SICAIE)http://www.npcap.ru (영, 노) K.I.Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology http://www.mgavm.ru (영, 노) All-Russian Research Institute of Automatics (RRIA)http://www.vniia.ru (영, 노) All-Russian Research Institute of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical Systems (GEOS)http://www.geosys.ru (노) All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medical Equipment (VNIIMP-VITA)http://www.vniimp-vita.ru (노) Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Non-Organic Materials named after A. Bochvar (FSUE VNIINM)http://www.bochvar.ru (노) Joint Stock Company "Biochimmash" (JSC Biochimmash) http://www.bioplaneta.ru (노) A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis (INKhS) http://www.ips.ac.ru (노) Baykov Metallurgy and Materials Institute (IMET) http://www.imet.ac.ru (영, 노) Central Research Radiotechnical Institute http://www.cnirti.ru/ (노) JSC "Aviapribor" http://www.aviapribor.ru (영, 노) Closed Joint-Stock Company Research-and-Production Enterprise "SAIT" (Joint-Stock Company NPP "SAIT") http://www.sait-ltd.com (영, 노) State Unitary Enterprise Scientific and Industrial Center Electronic of Computing Informing System (SIC ELVEES) http://www.elvees.ru (영, 노) Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology http://www.biochip.ru (영) Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering named after N.A.Dollezhal (NIKIET) http://www.nikiet.ru (영, 노) State Scientific Research Institute for Physical Problems named after Lukin http://www.niifp.ru (노) Lebedev Physical Institut (LPI) http://www.lebedev.ru (노) Gamalei Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology http://www.gamaleya.ru/ (노) GNC Academician N.N. Andreev Acoustic Institute http://www.akin.ru/home.htm (영, 노) A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds (INEOS) http://www.ineos.ac.ru/ (영, 노) All-Russian Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM) http://www.viam.ru/ (영, 노) N.M.Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics http://ibcp.chph.ras.ru/ (노) Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry http://www.ibch.ru (영, 노) The Institute of Chemical Physics http://www.chph.ras.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of Environmental Geoscience Russian Academy of Sciences (IEG RAS) http://www.geoenv.ru (영, 노) The Institute of General Genetics http://www.vigg.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of General Physics named after A.M. Prokhorov, Russian Academy of Sciences (IGP RAS) http://www.gpi.ru (영, 노) Institute of Informatics Problems http://www.ipiran.ru/ (영, 노) Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Science (IMM) http://www.imamod.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of Molecular Genetics http://www.img.ras.ru/ (영, 노) P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (IO RAS) http://www.ocean.ru/ (영, 노) N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences http://www.ioc.ac.ru/ (영) Institute of Physical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Science http://www.ipc.rssi.ru/ (노) United Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences http://www.scgis.ru/uipe-ras/engl_vers/index.html (영, 노) The Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) http://www.ibrae.ac.ru/ (영,노) Space Research Institute http://iki.cosmos.ru/ (영, 노) Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University http://www.npi.msu.ru/eng/sinp.php3 (영, 노) Russian research centre kurchatov institute http://www.kiae.ru/ (영, 노) A.I.Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics http://www.itep.ru/en (영, 노) Institute for Nuclear Research http://www.inr.ac.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of RAS http://www.cplire.ru/rus/index.html (영, 노) Nuclear Safety Institute of RAS http://www.ibrae.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics http://www.icp.ac.ru/ (영,노) P.L.Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems(RAS) http://kapitza.ras.ru/Welcome.html (영,노) A.V.Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography http://www.crys.ras.ru/ (영, 노) Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plant Operation http://www.vniiaes.ru/ (노) All Russian electronict-technical intitute http://www.vei.ru/(노) Institute of Microprocessor Computer systems http://www.imvs.ru/ (영, 노) Moscow Scientific-Research Radiotechnical Institute http://www.mnirti.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials of RAS http://www.ispm.ru/ (영, 노) State Research Center Institute of Biophysics http://www.srcibph.ru/ (영, 노) V.N. Orekhovich Institute of Biomedical Chemistry http://www.ibmh.msk.su/ibmh-rus/ (영, 노) Institute of neurosurgeon named by Budrenko http://www.nsi.ru/ (노) Institute of Neurology of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences http://www.neurology.ru/ (영, 노) Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RAS http://www.eimb.ru/ (영) Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry http://www.geokhi.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of rare material industries http://www.giredmet.ru/ (노) Institute of Physical Chemistry of RAS http://phyche.ac.ru/ (노) Institute of computer programming system http://www.ispras.ru/index.html (영, 노) Institute of problems of transfer information of RAS http://www.iitp.ru/ (영, 노) Russian academy of sciences image processing systems institute PSI RAS http://www.ipsi.smr.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of telecommunication system http://www.itis.ru/cgi-bin/handler.pl?Sel=EngVer (영, 노) Institute for complex strategic studies http://icss.ac.ru/news/ (영, 노) Institute of machine science of RAS http://www.imash.ru/index.shtml (노) Institute of ecolo-technological Institute http://www.iet.biocide.ru/ (영, 노) Mathematical Institute named of V.A Cteklov http://www.mi.ras.ru/index_e.html (영, 노) Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics http://www.keldysh.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of Spectrology http://isan.troitsk.ru/ (영, 노) Laboratory for Intensification of Thermal Processes http://www.oivtran.nm.ru/ (노) Institute for Computer Aided Design http://www.icad.org.ru/ (노) Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research http://www.triniti.ru/ (노) Institute of Molecular Genetics http://www.activebook.ru/ (영, 노) Central Institute of Aviation Motors http://www.ciam.ru/ (영,노) RNII http://www.rniikp.ru/ (영, 노) Khrunichev Space R&D Center http://www.khrunichev.ru/khrunichev/live/ (노) State Research Center of The Russian Federation, State Enterprise RD&P Center "ORION" http://www.vimi.ru/orion/ (영, 노) All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Physical-Technical and Radiotechnical Measurement http://www.vniiftri.ru/ (영, 노) IPLIT RAN http://www.laser.ru/ (영, 노) IHED RAS http://www.ihed.ras.ru/ (노) Central Research Institute for Machine Building (TsNIIMASH) http://www.tsniimash.ru/ (영, 노) SRC 열기기 과학기술연구소 http://www.niiteplopribor.ru/ (노) M.V.Lomonosov Moscow state academy of fine chemical technology http://www.mitht.ru/ (영, 노) SRC NIOPIK http://www.niopik.ru/ (노) VILS http://www.vils.ru/ (영, 노) Gintsvetmet State Research Center http://www.gintsvetmet.ru/index.sema?a=articles&ppid=2&pid=26 (영, 노) Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University) http://www.miee.ru/ (노) SRC SMC "TECHNOLOGICAL CENTRE" http://www.tcen.ru/ (영, 노) The Institute for Biological Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBI RAS) http://www.ibp-ran.ru/index_E.htm (영, 노) 의학-생물학문제연구소 http://www.imbp.ru/ (노) The Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) http://www.tsagi.ru/eng/ (영, 노) All-Russian Research Institute for Inter-Industry Information - a Federal Informational and Analytical Center of the Defense Industry http://www.vimi.ru/ (영, 노) Moscow State Aviation Technology Institute(MATI) http://www.mati.ru/ (영, 노) MAMI http://www.mami.ru/index.php (노) Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) - MPEI http://www.mpei.ru/StartPage.asp (영, 노) Moscow Engineering Physics Institute http://www.mephi.ru/ (영, 노) MIREA http://www.mirea.ru/ (노) Moscow State Technical University n.a. N.E. Bauman (MSTU) http://www.bmstu.ru/ (영,노) Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Aerospace Technologies) http://www.mai.ru/ (영,노) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology http://www.mipt.ru/ (영, 노) Moscow State University http://www.msu.ru/en/ (영, 노) Moscow State Technological University "Stankin" http://www.stankin.ru/eng_ver/index.html (영, 노) Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys (Technological University) http://www.misis.ru/main.php (영, 노) S.P.Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia http://www.energia.ru/english/index.html (영,노) The Science Park of Moscow State University http://www.sciencepark.ru/eng/ (영,노) Technopark-Zelenograd http://www.tech-park.ru/ (영, 노) Kurchatov Technopark http://www.tpki.ru/index_e.html (영, 노) All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (VINITI) http://www.viniti.ru/Welcome.html (영, 노) The Scientific and Technical Information Centre of Russia (VNTIC) http://www.vntic.org.ru/eng/engdefault.htm (영, 노) SRI (Scientific Research Institute) of Poultry Keeping http://www.vnitip.ru/ (노) State Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications http://www.informika.ru/text/index.html (노) NIII STALI http://www.niistali.ru/ (영, 노) SRI of system analysis of the account chamber http://www.niisp.ru/ (노) The United Physical Society of the Russian Federation http://www.uniphys.ru/ (영, 노) Russian Natural Science Academy http://www.raen.ru/ Institute of Rheumatology of RAMS http://www.rheumatolog.ru/ (노) Scientific Center of Earth Monitoring www.ntsomz.ru (영, 노) All-Russian SRI of Automatics named after N. Dukhov www.vniia.ru (영, 노) State Scientific Center VODGEO (Geology) http://www.watergeo.ru/ (노) Geo-information Earth Analysis Institute www.geosat.ru (영, 노) Institute of Energy Research RAS http://www.eriras.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of Astronomy RAS www.inasan.rssi.ru (영, 노) Russian Space Science Internet (RSSI) http://www.rssi.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of Space Research www.iki.rssi.ru (영, 노) Institute Of Electronics RAS, Fryazino Moscow Region http://fire.relarn.ru (영, 노) Institute of Metallurgy and Science of Materials www.imet.ac.ru (영, 노) All-Russian SRI of Railway Transport http://vniizht.ru (노) Institute Of Proteins RAS www.protres.ru (노) Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geo-chemistry www.igem.ru (영, 노) Institute of Geo-ecology RAS http://www.geoenv.ru/ (영, 노) Institute of Nano-technologies http://www.nanotech.ru/ (노) Institute of Electronics RAS www.ire.rssi.ru (영, 노) Techopark of MEPHI http://park.mephi.ru/ (영, 노) Gagarin’s Cosmonaut Training Center (http://www.gctc.ru) (영, 노) 4. 쌍뜨뻬쩨르지역 소재 연구개발기관(R&D Institutions and Organizations of Saint Petersburg ) St. Petersburg State University (영, 노) http://www.spbu.ru/ St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (영, 노) http://www.spbstu.ru/ St. Petersburg State Technological University (영, 노) http://gti.spb.ru/ St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (영, 노) http://www.spmi.ru/index.php All Russian National Aluminium/Magnesium Institute (영, 노) http://www.vami.ru/ Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute (영, 노) http://www.ioffe.ru/ Central Research Institute for Materials (영, 노) http://www.cniim.ru/ Prometey Central Research Institute of Structural Materials (영, 노) http://www.prometey.nw.ru/ Institute of Silicate Chemistry (영, 노) http://www.isc.nw.ru/ Institute of Macromolecular Compounds (노) http://www.macro.ru/ St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (영, 노) http://www.etu.ru/ Saint Petersburg state University IT Research Institute (영, 노) http://www.iti.spbu.ru/ Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute (영, 노) http://www.ksri.ru/ Plastpolymer (노) http://www.plastpolymer.com/ Research Institute for Mechanics (영, 노) http://www.niitm.spb.ru/ All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering (영, 노) http://www.vniig.ru/ Welding Russian Instuitute (영, 노) http://www.rossvarka.ru/ Central Diesel Research Institute (영, 노) http://www.cnidi.ru/ Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering (영, 노) http://www.ipme.ru/ Aerospace Innovation Technological Center (노) http://guap.ru/guap/main/rect_main.shtml Sobolev Astronomical Institute and Astronomical Department of SPb State University (영, 노) http://www.astro.spbu.ru/ Vavilov State Optical Institute (영, 노) http://soi.srv.pu.ru/ Electromera Research Institute (노) http://www.electromera.ru/ Analytical Industry Research Institute (영, 노) http://www.iai.rssi.ru/ Nuclear Physics Institute (영, 노) http://www.pnpi.spb.ru V. A. Fok Research Institute for Physics (영, 노) http://www.niif.spb.ru/ V. G. Hlopyin Radium Research Institute (영, 노) http://www.atom.nw.ru/ Institute for high performance computing and data bases (영, 노) http://www.csa.ru/ V.I. Zubov Research Institute of Computational Mathematics & Control Processes (영, 노) http://vmpu.spbu.ru/ Smirnov Scientific Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (영, 노) http://niimm.spbu.ru/ I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology (영, 노) http://www.infrann.ru/ A.A. Ukntomsky Institute of Physiology (영, 노) http://www.fnii.pu.ru/ Institute of the human brain (영, 노) http://www.ihb.spb.ru/ All-Russian Research Geological Institute (노) http://www.vsegei.com/news_all.html Research Institute for Earth’s Crust (영, 노) http://www.geology.pu.ru/ Institute of Remote Sensing Methods for Geology (영, 노) http://www.vniikam.spb.ru/ Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Agrophysical Research Institute (영, 노) http://www.agrophys.ru/ All-Russian Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology (영, 노) http://www.arriam.spb.ru D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (영, 노) http://www.vniim.ru/ Institute of Limnology (노) http://www.limno.org.ru/ Baltic Innovation Technological Research Center (노) http://www.lsystems.ru/ 5. 노보시비르스크 소재 연구개발기관(R&D Institutions and Organizations of Novosibirsk) Novosibirsk State University / Rus /Eng www.nsu.ru Presidium of Novosibirsk Science Center SB RAS/Rus http://www.sbras.nsc.ru/ Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS/ Rus /Eng http://www.math.nsc.ru Institute of Theoretical and Applied mechanics SB RAS /Rus /Eng http://www.itam.nsc.ru/ The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS/Rus /Eng http://www.inp.nsk.su Trofimuk Unitred Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy SB RAS/Rus http://www.uiggm.nsc.ru/ Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography SB RAS/Rus http://imp.uiggm.nsc.ru/ Institute of Geophysics SB RAS/Rus http://igp.uiggm.nsc.ru/ Institute of Geology SB RAS/Rus http://www.uiggm.nsc.ru/uiggm/geology/index.htm Institute of Petroleum Geology SB RAS/Eng http://petrol.uiggm.nsc.ru/ The Design & Technological Institute of Instrument Engineering for Geophysics and Ecology SB RAS/ Rus http://ktigep.uiggm.nsc.ru/RUSSIAN/index_r.htm Design & Technological Institute of Monocrystals SB RAS/Rus http://www.uiggm.nsc.ru/uiggm/monokrys/index Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RAS/Rus/Eng http://www.hydro.nsc.ru Design & Technological brunch of Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RAS/Rus http://www.kti-git.nsc.ru/ Boreskov Institute of Catalysis/Rus/Eng http://www.catalysis.nsk.su/ Scientific-engineering center Zeosit SB RAS /Rus/Eng http://batman.sm.nsc.ru/default.htm Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http://www.ict.nsc.ru/ Design Technological Institute of Digital Techniques SB RAS Rus/Eng http://www.kti.nsc.ru/eng/ Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http://www.iis.nsk.su/ Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http://www.isp.nsc.ru/ Geophysical survey SB RAS http://www.gs.nsc.ru/ Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http://www.iae.nsk.su/ Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS/ Rus http://www.archaeology.nsc.ru/ Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http://www.sscc.ru Institute of laser Physics SB RAS/Rus/Eng http://www.laser.nsc.ru/ Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS/ Rus http://www.che.nsk.su/ Institute of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry SB RAS/Rus/Eng http://www.issa.nsc.ru Institute of Taxonomy and Animal ecology/Rus http://eco.nsc.ru/ Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS/Rus http://www.itp.nsc.ru Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion/Rus/Eng http://www.kinetics.nsc.ru/ Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry/Rus/Eng http://www.solid.nsc.ru Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS/Eng http://ieie.nsc.ru/ieopp.html Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering SB RAS/Rus/Eng http://www.tdisie.nsc.ru/ International Tomography Center SB RAS/Rus/Eng http://www.tomo.nsc.ru/ Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS/Rus/Eng http://www.niboch.nsc.ru/ Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry SB RAS/Rus/Eng http://www.nioch.nsc.ru/ Institute forNovosibirsk Department SB RAS/ Rus http://iwep.ad-sbras.nsc.ru/ 6. 크라스노야르스크 소재 연구개발기관(R&D Institutions and Organizations of Krasnoyarsk) Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS/Rus/Eng http://icm.krasn.ru Kirenskyy Institute of Physics SB RAS/Rus/Eng http://www.kirensky.ru/ Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS/Rus/Eng http://www.krsk.info/icct/ru/frames.htm Institute of Biophysics/Rus/Eng http://www.ibp.ru/ 7. 이르쿠츠크 소재 연구개발기관(R&D Institutions and Organizations of Irkutsk) Presidium of Irkutsk Science Center SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http://www.isc.irk.ru The order of the Red banner of the Labor of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http://www.iszf.irk.ru The Institute of Energy Systems named after L.A. Melentiev SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http:/isem.sei.irk.ru The Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http://www.idstu.irk.ru The Institute of the Earth Crust SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http://earth.crust.irk.ru/ The Institute of Geochemistry named after A.P. Vinogradov SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http://www.igc.irk.ru The Institute of Geography SB RAS/ Rus/Eng www.irigs.irk.ru The Limnological Institute SB RAS/ Rus/Eng www.lin.irk.ru The Institute of Chemistry SB RAS/ Rus/Eng http://www.inchemistry.irk.ru 8. 톰스크 소재 연구개발기관(R&D Institutions and Organizations of Tomsk ) Presidium of Tomsk Sceince center SB RAS/ Rus http://www.tsc.ru/ru/ Institute of Optic Atmosphere/ Rus/Eng http://www.iao.ru/ru/ Institute of High Current Electronics Rus/Eng http://www.hcei.tsc.ru/ Institute of Strength Physics and Material Sciences http://www.ispms.tsc.ru/ Institute of Petroleum Chemistry Rus/Eng http://www.ipc.tsc.ru/ 9. 케메로바 소재 연구개발기관(R&D Institutions and Organizations of Kemerovo) Presidium of Kemerovo Science Center /Rus/ http://www.kemsc.ru Institute of Coal and Coal Fuel Chemistry/Rus/ http://www.kemsc.ru/ 10. 투멘 소재 연구개발기관(R&D Institutions and Organizations of Tumen) Tumen department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics /Rus/ http://www.tmn.ru/~timms/timms.html 11. 옴스크소재 연구개발기관(R&D Institutions and Organizations of Omsk) Omsk Science Center/Rus/ http://www.omsk.net.ru/science/science.html/ Omsk brunch of Sobolev Institute of Mathematics/ Rus http://www.iitam.omsk.net.ru/ ![]()
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