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2008.05.28 02:25
불가리아,경제관련 사이트
조회 수 3974 추천 수 0 댓글 0
Privatization Agency http://www.priv.government.bg Bulgarian Trade Promotion Agency http://www.bepc.government.bg National Customs Agency http://www.customs.government.bg/english/index_eng.htmll Bulgarian Industrial Association http://www.bia-bg.com Invest Bulgaria Agency http://www.investbg.government.bg Buglarian National Bank http://www.bnb.bg Bulg. International Business Association/BIBA http://www.ezilon.com Commission for Protection of Competition http://www.cpc.bg Bulgarian National Securities Commission http://www.devco.government.bg National Statistical Institute http://www.nsi.bg Association of Small and Medium Enterprises http://www.asme.bg Bulg. Chamber for Commerce and Industry http://www.bcci.bg Ass. of Apparel and Textiles Exporters http://www.bgtextiles.org Bulgarian Telecommunication Company http://www.btc.bg State Agency for Energy and En. Resources http://www.doe.bg/en/index.html National Electric Company http://www.nek.bg Bulgarian SME Promotion Agency http://www.sme.government.bg Bulgarian Business Adviser http://www.bba.bg/index_ie.php
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