주네델란드 대사관, 입양동포들 무료 한글 교육
Korean language course for Korean adoptees
네델란드 한국 대사관에서는 입양동포들에게 한글 및 한국어 수업을 모든 수준에 맞게 무료로 실시한다고 아래와 같이 발표했다.
The Embassy will start its Korean language class on 8th March for Korean adoptees in the Netherlands.
All Korean adoptees are warmly welcomed.
A. Day and time: Every Tuesday, 19:00-21:00
B. Period: Twelve classes with 8th March the first class
C. Venue: Embassy of Korea, Den Haag
D. Textbooks: TBA
E. No tuition / any level
If you have any question, please don't hesitate to
send e-mail to kimjaewoo93@korea.kr.