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2013.09.24 18:46
한화큐셀 모집 공고
조회 수 2760 추천 수 0 댓글 0
한화큐셀에서 열정있는 글로벌 인재를
모집합니다.Hanwha Q CELLS is among
the world's leading solar companies and offers the entire spectrum of
photovoltaic solutions, ranging from solar cells and modules, to solar power
plants. In October 2012, Q CELLS was acquired by the South Korean Hanwha Group
(2011: turnover 25 billion euro, assets of 67 billion euro). The strengths of Q
CELLS in terms of quality, innovation and product performance align
exceptionally well with the financial resources, the expertise in manufacturing
and the global customer base of the Hanwha Group, hence creating a new force in
the PV industry. The products by Hanwha Q CELLS will be developed and
manufactured at the headquarters in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Germany. In addition,
the company has its own production plant in Malaysia. With a workforce of over
1,225, Hanwha Q CELLS brings progress to the development of solar technologies,
pursuing the goal of rapidly and sustainably cutting the cost for photovoltaic
systems and thus enhancing the competitiveness of solar power. 근무처 : 독일 모집분야 : 영업(기획/관리/지원), 마케팅(디지털 마케팅 포함), 회계, 엔지니어링 각 분야 모집인원 : 00명 응시자격 - 독일 내 정규대학 학사(BA) 이상 재학생 또는 졸업생(모집분야 관련 경력자 우대) - Fluent한 현지어 및 영어/한국어 소통가능 인력(전공무관) - 해외출장에 결격사유가 없는 자 전형방법 : http://www.q-cells.com/en/career/jobs_qcells.html을 방문 후 Posting된 List 중 ‘Students
and Young Professionals / Juniors(f/m)’ Click을 통한 On-Line 지원절차 이행
접수기간 : 채용시까지
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